Monday, August 6, 2012

Some Ups

8:00 this morning, doctor's office closed.  8:30, still closed and wondering if closing at noon on Friday meant closing forever.  9:00 finally open and bracing myself for the news.  So thankful that it's all good!  We confirmed my blood type, learned my iron levels are great (excellent news since they've been slacking in the past) and everything else is just fine, nothing even close to being a borderline concern. Due back on Friday for more blood work to see how things are returning to normal in preparation to keep trying. 

Sorry for the fear leakage but maybe it can be a goal of medical personnel to consider how the tone of a message could be wildly misconstrued by a raging hormonal recently ex-pregnant woman who is overly prone to freaking the heck out even when there isn't a valid biological excuse.  Please and thank you!

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