Thursday, August 2, 2012

Feeling It


For a while there I thought I might just make it out of the morning sickness woods.  Alas, it was not to be.  While I don't feel I can call my symptoms full blown sickness, the mild to moderately and obnoxiously vague nauseous feeling that has settled in for an extended stay is not my idea of a good time.  I find myself flipping through a mental rolodex of food options, gambling with which will come first; something that sounds appealing or a stomach evacuation.

The weariness seems to be catching up to me a bit, too.  Truthfully I think I'm getting a ton of really good sleep (thanks, Singulair!), but I wake up feeling bone tired and don't get me started on the late afternoon drag.

Let's see, what other gifts is this trimester supposed to have for me... sore and tender?  Check.  Moody?  Triple check!  Poor Clif, I already feel bad for the roller coaster of emotion he'll have to ride through with me.

I was really hoping to not lose motivation to do, I don't know, pretty much anything this early on in the game.  My intentions of staying active, eating healthy and kick start the nesting habits extra early are going to be more difficult to accomplish than I'd thought.

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