Thursday, April 4, 2013

Woods? What Woods?

You mean those woods we are out of for the foreseeable future? 

I went back for my recheck appointment and got to see the images from the surgery.  I was not exactly prepared for the amount of crystal clear, high definition detail they were going to have but it was fascinating to see the before and after view of the correction, see that everything else looked normal and healthy and they provided a great deal of relief.

An even bigger relief was hearing that my doctor didn't feel compelled to have a second HSG done.  I kid you not, I almost jumped out of the chair to do a little jig.  If it came down to a choice between skipping the HSG but significantly chancing a higher likelihood of another miscarriage and 6 more months or more wasted, or getting it done and possibly finding that the correction didn't take or we needed to do something else and save a little bit of time, I'd have opted for the HSG.  As it turns out the idea of going back in for more radiographs after is to make sure enough tissue was removed, which my doctor already felt pretty good about, so it was much easier to say thanks, but no thanks.

Right now we have 2 months of heal-time ahead then back to the drawing board.  I love my new doctor and her staff, they have me as a permanent patient now, but I'll be glad if for several months to come the only time I see them is when I stick my head in to say hi when I'm checking in for my appointments with the Midwives.  There is always a chance that even though we've fixed a problem we might still have some trouble, but after what we've made it through so far I am confident I'll be able to take that possibility in stride and have a group of .  In the meantime, I have a whole lot of hope and eagerness.

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