Tuesday, February 12, 2013


***In which there is more discussion of Girl Parts.  Ewww!

I've been playing the waiting game for just over a week, which means to some extent I've been playing the stressing game.  One of the good things about these experiences is I'm seriously honing my skills at the stressing game and developing a much thicker skin.  As anyone who knows me well can attest, I am a bit prone to worrying, so anything that helps me learn how to relax and take things in stride is a huge step in a healthy direction.

Most of my stress has been surrounding the costs of the unknown further imaging needed to try to determine an appropriate surgical fix.  I was hoping for just the ultrasound but feared that with my atrocious luck we'd have to add on the MRI only to find out in the end that I was a hopeless cause and there was no fix for me.  I figure if I brace myself for the worst then I'm prepared if it happens, monumentally thrilled if it doesn't.

Guess who's monumentally thrilled?

I finally got my anxiously awaited call from the doctor yesterday, who had very unexpected news: she reviewed the images from the torture x-rays, I mean, the HSG, as well as the notes from the radiologist from our miscarriage confirm appointment (who was the first to raise a flag about our potential uterus woes) and determined the issue was not a bicournate uterus but a septate one instead.  This means there are not two divergent horns connected by a small base, but a septum, or interior "wall", that is causing a bit of a divide.  In other words we are much closer to a heart shaped uterus then complete crazy town and it seems to be easier to fix.

The Fix: the septum needs to be trimmed back to the uterus wall (imagine cutting wrapping paper but stopping just before you get all the way through - Gift Wrappers, you are welcome!), that means scissors by way of cervix.  By now I'm not nearly as concerned about that as I am the laporoscopic camera and flashlight that will be inserted via belly button (*twitch*) as the guide my doctor uses to determine when she has cut far enough.  The nice thing is that this should be a fairly quick(ish?) outpatient procedure and Clif will get the incredibly entertaining responsibility of waking me up afterwards.  There has been no mention, but I am assuming they'll knock me out, they'll have to.  Internal scissors aside I tend to want to violently fight people that make even the slightest effort to get in the vicinity of my belly button... After that I'll have about a month of heal time then we will take another trip to Torture Town thanks to a second HSG to make sure the correction held and it didn't try to grow back all catawompus.  There is a very, very big part of me that really wants to ask if we can just skip that part, but at 4-6 months per attempt the smart thing is to make sure it's right rather than waste unnecessary time.  Darn adult responsible thinking...

So, we're on to another waiting game, but this one will be much easier to play.  I'm on some hormones to help thin things out while my doctor calculates the ideal time to schedule this procedure.  Timing, I have learned, is precise and paramount.  That's going to be a month right there then another one for healing.  Bring it, May!


  1. Re laparascopic bellybutton parts.
    Ask them more about the procedure.

    They didn't tell me about the part where they inflate your belly with CO2 and that your skin will never look the same (read stretch marks).

    The incisions were easy healing - both belly button and the bikini line one. The internal parts healing wasn't something I noticed.

    I was fully awake, though sedated a bit (I think they gave me a valium and some percoset for pain).

    You are a trooper and you will be fine!!!!

  2. oooh, forgot to tell you this is the "other" Amy (Andrews).

