Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Castleman Cubed Plus One

This post won't be published until several weeks after it was written to allow us to struggle through the first trimester, but since we've taken another giant step into our adventurous future, I wanted to keep track of some of the details of the moment.

Energy: severely lacking.  So tired.  All the time.  Aaaalllllllllll the time...
Nausea: A nearly-constant frienemy
Weight: back to pre-first baby weight (not good), dreading the fight against potential gain
Aversions: fragrance of most varieties 
Things that make me cry: really sad or really happy news stories and videos like this -
or this -

Food Cravings:
Dominos Greek salad
Everything bagels with plain cream cheese and sliced fresh tomatoes
Pimento filled green olives
Blueberry muffins
Campbells soup (chicken and stars, minestrone, vegetable)
Deviled eggs
Chicken nuggets
Popcorn shrimp
Strawberry shortcake 

Food No-Gos:
Dominos Greek salad
Chicken breast
The mere existence of Ranch mashed cauliflower leftovers that sounded like such a great idea when I made them the night before